Dumbledore Once Said

The quote I picked was “Happiness can be found even in the darkest times, when one only remembers to turn on the light” -Dumbledore. I picked this quote because it’s saying how even if it’s a terrible day, you can always make it better by doing a good thing. I like this quote because like you can make people feel better or make yourself feel better when you’re having a bad day. You just have to always think positive and always try to be on your happy side. Thank you for reading my blog!

My Hero is My Brother

Somebody I look up to as my hero is my brother. He’s my hero because he is always nice to me and always trying to make me happy when I’m sad. He always cares about me and hugs me and shows love to me when I am sick or injured. My brother is my best friend and I have always looked up to him. If someone is mean to me he will always defend me. I love when he jokes around with me and teases me. He veils always be my hero. Thank. You for reading my blog!

Rad Reading-December

The book I read in December is “Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Rodrick Rules” by Jeff Kinney. It’s about a kid named Greg and he’s going into a new school and he wants to keep the summer in the past, but his big brother, Rodrick, knows Gregs secret from the summer and is using it as an advantage. I loved this book because there is always some suspense and always has you wondering about what will happen on the next day. My favorite character is the mom because she’s always upbeat and always being goofy and fun. One of the mom’s character trait is upbeat and I know this because in the book it says, “… things were looking pretty good up until Rodrick’s drum solo. That’s when mom started dancing.”(203) This shows she is upbeat because she is being all cheerful and jumping around and dancing, while showing support to her son playing the drums. My favorite line from the book is when Greg says, “You’re gonna grow up and get married to some ice cream! Ha!”(110) This is my favorite because this is from when he was a little kid and someone said a joke to him saying “Do you like ice cream?” “Yeah!” “Then why don’t you marry it?”(109) Then after that he tried it on someone else and he messed it up. I liked it because it was funny and silly.


I picked the word organization because for the new year I want to work on organizing my room better. I want to work on putting my stuff in the right place and stop putting random things on my desk to the point my desk is covered with random things. I want to clean my room a little better so there aren’t random things on my shelf’s. I also need to organize my closet because I need to put clothes in the right place and try not to just throw my clothes on the for of my closet. I also need to stop putting my sweatshirts on my beanbag when I’m not using them. Lastly I need to organize my desk shelf because there are a bunch of random papers that I don’t need. I’m going to work on organizing everything in my room this year and I’m going to make sure I work hard to make this happen. Thank you for reading my blog!